Thursday, March 27, 2025

The Nodecrawl Post

 This is the nodecrawl post.  A nodecrawl is the way that I tend to think about information that isn't organized in a more specific way.  As this post will later define, there are many ways to think about information at different levels of abstraction and one or another can be the best for you.  The nodecrawl is the most universal, and therefore most abstracted, way to think about pacing and travel through a sequence of imagined spaces or units of time.

Thesis: All crawls are the same thing, a way of presenting and pacing travel through an imagined space or time.  They can be generalized as nodecrawls, where you move from node to node through linkages.  A linkage is how you travel from one node to another node.  A node is not a point of interest, though it might contain points of interest.  Rather, a node is whatever location or nexus you can travel within without needing to engage your systemic travel mechanics.  Use of a linkage moves you from one node to another but engages the systemic travel mechanics.

Here's some examples of existing things expressed as nodecrawls and the mechanics they use:

Classic dungeon crawls:  A room is a node.  Moving from one room to another takes up 1 turn of game time.  Events such as random encounters may trigger when moving or as time passes, torches burn down, etc.

Hexcrawls:  A hex is a node.  Moving from one hex to another requires your game's overland travel mechanics.  Exploring within a hex uses different mechanics, details varying by exact game.

Citycrawls:  A district or neighborhood is a node.  Moving from one district to another utilizes your travel mechanics, while travel within the district (from one shop to another) does not.

Wavecrawls:  An island is a node.  Moving from one island to another utilizes your game's travel mechanics.

Skycrawl:  A Land is a node.  Moving from one Land to another uses the travel mechanics.

If you're famliar with all of these, you might notice an additional thing; points of interest can occur during a linkage as well as at a node.  If you're trying to draw this on an actual hexmap, this can be annoying, because you need to place it exactly within a hex and figure out which hex it's in, since you're in the process of moving from one to another.  With a nodecrawl map, it's easy; you just put it on the linkage that goes from A to B, and when the party travels from A to B along that linkage, you know that they have the option for that PoI along the way.

A node and its linkage can be defined at whatever level of 'zoom' or abstraction that you want to define it at.  It's also worth nothing that this helps free up easy ways to diagram things that are not limited by in-game terrain; a shortcut or teleportation portal, for example, is annoying to include on a traditional hexmap.  But on a nodecrawl map, it's just another linkage.  A has a linkage to B, and also a linkage to F.  Of course, you don't have to explicitly diagram out every possible linkage either, if you're doing something like a hexmap or a dungeon map.  On a standard hexmap, every face of a hex is a linkage to the other hex that it touches, unless you need to define otherwise (perhaps a range of high mountains can be accessed only through one face of its hex, and none of the other faces are linkages, which you could diagram on the map by putting a / though every inaccessible face).

Here is a very simple example nodecrawl about climbing a mountain.  On the map, nodes are labeled as N# and linkages as L#.#.  The two numbers for a linkage are the two nodes they connect.  (It's easier to understand when looking at the map than the list.)  Details of linkages are defined only if they're interesting; otherwise, they are mentioned but not defined, and assumed to follow standard travel rules for the area and system.  One-way linkages are notated with a crudely drawn triangle on the map; they are also only mentioned on the node that you can take them from.

(Map note:  Note that the actual arrangement of the nodes doesn't matter, just the linkages between them.  I'm sure there's a better way to draw this.  I made it in Paint in 5 minutes and I can't draw the broad side of a barn.)

N1: Base of the Mountain

Linkages: L1.2

The base of the mountain.  Contains base camp as a point of interest.

N2: Ascent

Linkages: L2.3, L1.2

The ascent is crowded with other climbers.  This may involve social encounters, combat encounters, or environmental challenges including rescuing climbers who have fallen from higher up.

N3: Chimney

Linkages: L3.4, L2.3, L3.1

A narrow vertical climbing section, requires challenging skill checks to progress.  At the top of the chimney is a flat ledge that can be used to rest.

Linkage L3.1:  If characters fail badly enough climbing the chimney, they fall off the side of the mountain and are returned to base camp with a large amount of falling damage.

N4: Cliff

Linkages: L4.5a, L4.5b, L3.4

Linkage L4.5b: While the other path up is a standard vertical climb, a side path around the edge of the cliff offers an easier climb.  If located, this path offers a new linkage with easier climbing checks.

N5: Summit

Linkages:  L4.5a, L4.5b, L5.2

Linkage L5.2: A steep, winding slide offers a fast way down for characters willing to daredevil their way off the mountain.  Some sort of vehicle, like a sled, would make this path vastly safer than trying to slide down on foot.

In this particular example, the thing to note is that not every linkage is two-way.  The straight path up and down the mountain is two-way, but the chimney and the summit both have one-way linkages that go down the mountain to another node.  The cliff also has a secret linkage, not immediately obvious to characters, that provides an easier way up if located.

As a practical matter, what does this do for you, other than letting you use more sci-fi type words when describing your pointcrawl?  First, there are a few differences from the standard pointcrawl.  Most notably, there's the explicit definition that a node requires using your game's travel mechanics to leave.  A pointcrawl doesn't separate as cleanly and can include both traditional points of interest and major areas.  You can run a pointcrawl off a hexmap where every hex is a point, and every PoI is also a point, but there's not a lot of point to it.  With a nodecrawl, you can take a hexmap and make every hex into a node, then every path from hex to adjacent hex becomes a linkage, which helps define your travel in the imagined space while also providing a clear place for points of interest to occur along the linkage.  (In this case, every hex face would be a linkage, and you might have other linkages as well for shortcuts, underground passages, teleportation circles, and so on.)  Is that a lot of nodes?  Yes it is.  If you prefer, you can define a group of hexes as a node.  Your nodes don't need to be equal size to each other.  As long as you can travel around inside a node without invoking travel mechanics, and use travel mechanics to move from one node to another, the exact details of what a node is don't need to be consistent.

Second, it defines the paths as places of their own.  A path isn't just something that you scroll over in the background; it's a place that takes you from point A to point B.  It can have points of interest along it, and you know where those PoIs are and how to get back to them.

Third, we should all admit that as a practical matter, no, there isn't that much difference between the different kinds of crawls.  We're all describing the same kind of thing and the main diference is just whether or not the mapping used also maps cleanly onto your brain.  Use whatever presentation you like, whether it's a traditional hexmap, a pointcrawl map, a nodecrawl, the index cards from Skycrawl, or whatever else works for you.  Mix and match methods, and mix and match GM advice for different kinds.  If there's one thing to take away from this that's valuable, that bit is what I'd say is the most important; if you're running a hexcrawl, and you see someone giving advice for a citycrawl, you can probably still use that advice if it sounds cool to you.  All crawls are one and all advice is convertible between them.

The key to making a nodecrawl setup worth the effort is to use interesting linkages.  If every linkage you define is just a door between rooms, or a six mile border of clear terrain with no interesting parts, what's the point?  You put in a bunch of extra effort and got nothing out of it.  If a linkage between hexes is the only passage through the high mountains, suddenly this is an interesting fact about the world that might become relevant in other ways.  You have it defined, you know how it works to traverse it, and you know that it's the only passage between these two hexes (or is it?  is there a secret linkage, an ancient dwarven dungeon under the mountains?)  A teleportation portal might be a linkage between hexes that only works on a full moon (but takes you to the Abyss if you use it in a blood moon).

Also a fun fact to note; this method of organizing things doesn't have to actually refer to physical places in the game world.  You can use the nodecrawl structure for scenes in an adventure, progression through a magical ritual, decrypting a code book, or anything else that involves travel or progression (literal or metaphorical) from one thing to another along defined paths.  A nodecrawl can describe progression through time as well as through space.  (Space and time are, after all, related.)  You progress from one node to another in a skill challenge as easily as you do in a dungeon crawl.  (This also fixes the biggest problem with skill challenge type designs, their failure to evolve to the situation; with a nodecrawl, you have clearly defined what causes the situation to change and what the new situation is once it does.)

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Paths of Heroism (PF2E Proof of Concept)

 As part of my current exploration in PF2E, I'm collecting a set of houserules that I would use which I am currently calling PathfindOSR.  I like many of the things PF2E is doing, and it's useful to me to have the large amount of content that it has, but there are also a lot of ways that I would like it to be more like an OSR game.  This post is a proof of concept of one of those ways that have the placeholder name of Paths of Heroism.

So one common thing I see with people is that PF2E has too many choices with its feats for them and they would prefer to make fewer choices; not no choices, or just one choice, but fewer.  Paths of Heroism are a set of feat packages that cover a tier of levels so that players can make one choice covering multiple feats, reducing the number of choices for class feats from ten (ish) to three.  With names stolen from Shadow of the Demon Lord/Weird Wizard for now, I'm calling them Novice Paths of Heroism (levels 1-6), Expert Paths (levels 7-14), and Master Paths (levels 15-20).  (Really, it's levels 8-14 and 16-20, since class feats show up at even levels, but it feels better to me to list the whole set of levels.)  Each path is given a Role, which right now I'm just using the 4E roles (striker, controller, defender, leader).  If feats involved in a path require or work best with a certain skill or set of gear, that's included in the Path description as a recommended thing to have or use.

It's also possible to create Paths for skill feats or general feats to help optionally trim down character building choices even further, but that's beyond the scope of this current proof of concept.

As a proof of concept, here's a few Novice Paths for the fighter class.  Fighters get class feats at levels 1, 2, 4, and 6.  There is no guarantee that these paths are optimal or good, but they demonstrate the concept.

Fighter Novice Path - Tempest
Role: Striker
Recommended Gear: Two weapons, at least one of which can deal piercing damage
Feats: Double Slice (1st), Lunge (2nd), Twin Parry (4th), Revealing Stab (6th)

Fighter Novice Path - Wrestler
Role: Controller
Recommended Gear: A free hand
Recommend Skill: Athletics
Feats: Snagging Strike (1st), Combat Grab (2nd), Slam Down (4th), Dazing Blow (6th)

Fighter Novice Path - Blocker
Role: Defender
Recommended Gear: Shield
Feats: Sudden Charge (1st), Aggressive Block (2nd), Powerful Shove (4th), Shield Warden (6th)

And so we can see that with a little work, we can turn one gun into five guns.  Which actually went the other way around when Moe said it, just like these choices, where we turned four choices into one choice.

These are pretty easy to make, but of course they can't cover every possible combination of choices (ignoring that there are some feats that make no sense to be taken together, and also ignoring archetypes and other out-of-class options, and also assuming that you always take a feat at the maximum available level, there's 10,560 possible novice paths to put together here for fighter) and they shouldn't be expected to or intended to.  Paths can cover some common character goals with a set of feats that's good enough to fulfill that particular fantasy.  If a player wants to be more specific with their character build, they can pick feats themselves, or they can take most of the feats from a path but swap one or two of them out.

The intent of paths is to simplify choices, not to restrict players, and a player can always just go back to picking feats themselves if they want to.  But if they don't want to think too much about it and just make one choice that works well enough, they can pick a path and be done with it.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Community Copies on OBS Sites

Indie RPG creators love community copies.  We put them up all the time on

Other creators have products on OneBookShelf (OBS) websites (which actually is owned by Roll20 now but I still think of them as OBS), like DM's Guild and DriveThruRPG.  I often see people say that they can't do community copies on those websites and it makes me sad because you can!  You can provide digital copies either for free, or for a discounted price, or you can do both.  So I am putting this together as a guide for how to do that.

The basic process is the same for any OBS site, but the exact UI steps are different whether you're publishing it yourself (DTRPG) or using a community content program (DM's Guild, Pathfinder Infinite, etc.)

For an initial proof of concept, here's what it looks like on Ilkhana's Grimoires: Beyond Necromancy on DM's Guild.

An image of an arrow with the text "Keep Playing it Forward with Community Copies".  Three links under it offer a 50% discount, 90% discount, or 100% discount.

The arrow and image were created as part of the Keep Playing it Forward initiative, which long story short, a bunch of DM's Guild creators decided to do that after a 'pay it forward' weekend where we got higher than normal royalties from the site.  That part, I won't be providing, because it's not mine.  You can make your own image or no image.  Here's what it looks like on Dungeon Crossing: Dragon Home Designer on DTRPG.

We know we all have rough years and sometimes you just want to relax without spending a lot of money to do it.  If you can't or don't want to spend the full price on Dungeon Crossing: Dragon Home Designer, use this link to get 30% off.  Click here to add Dungeon Crossing: Dragon Home Designer to your cart at a price of $6.95!

So this is what it looks like as an end result.  Now here's how to create your own.

DriveThruRPG (Published by you)

1. Go to your Publisher Tools.
2. Scroll down to the Promotions section.
3. Select Special Discounts.
4. Fill out the form; select the title you want, the maximum uses of the code, the price that the link will give someone (zero is an option), the effective date and expiration date.  For a limited number of community copies, you'll usually just want to put in some max uses, zero price, no expiration date.

This will create a link for you.  You can then put that link in your product page, or wherever else you want to put it.  The link will not automatically update to users how many copies are left; if you gave it a maximum number of uses, you'll have to check the remaining uses here on the special discounts page yourself.  You can either keep that updated publicly or not bother.

Community Content Programs (DM's Guild, Pathfinder Infinite, etc.)

1. Go to your Account page.
2. Scroll down to the My Content section.
3. Select Promotion Tools.
4. Select Create/Edit Special Discounts.
5. Fill out the form as above to create your link and then do whatever you want with it.

And that's how you make community copies available with products on OBS-family websites.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Random Historical Events

 ...or at least their names.

I had an idea for a useful table that would actually fit in a blog post and said to myself all right, let's do it.  This is a system/table for generating the name of a random historical or important event.  It may be something that you use as part of hyperdiegetic information, or something that you use as part of more traditional worldbuilding, or maybe just something you needed a character to say and will never think about again.

To generate a historic name, first roll 1d12 to find the shape of the name, then roll 1d20 on each column that it directs you to.  Feel free to add or remove any pluralization as needed to make it sound cooler to you.  The intermittent words may also be edited as needed, though ideally in most cases they won't need to be (easiest is to swap articles, such as a/the).

Roll (1d12)	Event Name 1	The [Time] of the [Adjective] [Noun] 2	The [Noun] 3	The [Time] Without [Noun] 4	The [Time] of [Noun] 5	The [Adjective] [Time] [Noun] 6	The [Noun] of the [Adjective] [Time] 7	The [Noun] of [Noun] 8	The [Noun] [Time] 9	The [Noun] [Noun] 10	The [Adjective] [Noun] 11	The [Adjective] [Time] 12	The [Adjective] [Time] through [Noun]

Roll (1d20)	Time	Adjective	Noun 1	Day	Cloudy	War 2	Night	Thousand	Revolution 3	Hour	Deadly	Scream 4	Week	Flaming	Monster 5	Month	Hundred	Dragon 6	Year	Fanatical	Wrath 7	Century	Mysterious	Tempest 8	Time	Ubiquitous	Sunrise 9	Term	Jagged	Nightfall 10	Period	Venemous	Eruption 11	Moment	Questionable	Catastrophe 12	Season	Incandescent	Severing 13	Before	Global	Surge 14	After	Endless	Disaster 15	Summer	Lean	Incident 16	Span	Secret	Prophecy 17	Flowering	Ethereal	Irregularity 18	Harvest	Needless	Death 19	Eternity	Chromatic	Resurrection 20	Roll twice*	Roll twice*	Roll twice* 	*(when rolling twice, replace a different word in the name with your second roll)

Some example historical events created with these tables:

The Secret Year
The Irregularity Century
The Season of Resurrection
The Eruption
The Flaming Eternity Disaster (maybe adjust that to Flaming Eternal Disaster in this case).

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Design Threads, Compiled

This post is a compilation of some threads that I wrote on twitter about game design a few years ago.  I'd probably write them a little bit differently if I was writing them today, or not for twitter, but instead of rewriting them I'm just copying and pasting.  This is currently a draft as I type this, maybe by the time it's a post I'll actually edit them.  On the other hand, if you're reading this, that means I didn't.

Basic Mechanic Design Steps

So here's a ramble about my process when designing a new mechanic.

The first step is to ask some questions: Why do I want this mechanic? What is the use case where players will interact with it? What is the intended gameplay experience? Do I need this mechanic, or are these use cases and gameplay experiences already adequately covered by existing mechanics?

Assuming I decide that the mechanic is needed, then I continue. At this point I have the expected use case and desired gameplay experience. These are the two most important things about the mechanic and the things that I keep in mind throughout the entire rest of the process. Let's take an example I designed; rules for running away from combat in Against the Fall of Night. Sometimes a combat just goes bad and you want to run away.

My expected use case is: Players are in a combat that they don't want to be in, so they decide to run. My desired gameplay experience is: Running has a cost, you can't just run at the drop of a hat, but you're reasonably likely to make it if you flee and the cost doesn't feel punishing even if you fail.

Is this a needed mechanic? Standard D&D-like combat movement systems make fleeing basically impossible. You can disengage, but they'll just follow you, and unless you move faster than them (which you usually don't, especially not in armor) then you're not making any real progress. AFN has similar combat movement mechanics, so yes, this is a desired experience that is not served by existing mechanics; it's worth adding.

The mechanic that I designed, put in what is basically system-neutral psedudocode, is: Everyone fleeing gives up their turns for a round. At the end of the round, everyone fleeing makes a check and everyone chasing makes a check. If half of the fleers succed, and half of the chasers don't, they get away. If half the chasers succeed, and half the fleers don't, escape is impossible. Any other result, it becomes a running battle where you automatically check again at the end of each round.

I check it against my ideals. Use case: Yes, you can run away in combat using this rule (you better be able to, that's all it does). Yes, it costs you something (all your actions for one round); but it's not a one-and-done roll. It always only costs you your actions for one round, not your actions for the rest of the combat, even if you fail. And if you end up in a running battle, it adds tension and changes the nature of your choices; with you knowing that the fight might end at the end of each round, you'll make different choices than you might otherwise.

And it also adds possible tension in the form of heroic sacrifices, by specifying 'the enemies chasing' instead of 'all enemies'; if you can make it so that some enemies can't chase, maybe by blocking the corridor, then those enemies don't get to be part of the check.

This is obviously an alpha rule, since I wrote it the same day as this original thread, and it's subject to plenty of change and revision. Almost nothing ever stays in its original form (iterate, iterate, iterate!) But, at least on a twitter-appropriate level of verbiage, that's my basic mechanical design process. Focus on the use case and the gameplay experience, make the math and design match it, and then iterate it until your eyes bleed.

Dice Mechanics

Last time I mentioned making the math and design match the use case and gameplay experience, but didn't actually say anything about how to do that. This time I'm going to talk about dice and how I pick which dice to use for a mechanic.

It doesn't cover every possible trick you can do with dice, but most of the time, you can separate dice mechanics into two kinds; one die or multiple dice. One die is a mechanic like D&D's d20 rolls; you roll a single die, you add whatever, you compare it to target, you're done. Multiple dice can be done by adding the pool vs a target, or by checking each individual die against a target. The big difference between the two is probability.

On one die, all results are equally likely. On multiple dice, the results are on a bell curve. One die has a lot more swinginess as a result. If you're rolling a d20, a 1, a 10, and a 20 are all equally likely. If you're rolling 3d6, a result in the 9-12 range is almost 50 times as likely as getting a 3 or 18! (100 times as likely as 3 or as 18, each). So if you have, say, a +1 modifier and you need a 10; this is a 60% chance on a d20, but a 74% chance on 3d6. As your modifier grows, the difference gets bigger. With +5, it's a 80% chance on a d20 but a 98% chance on 3d6! You're ten times as likely to fail on the d20.

What does this mean for game design? It means that a single-die system emphasizes randomness and elements outside your character's control, because failure is always a meaningful chance due to the machinations of the die. If your goal is to create a mechanic where the player is never sure what's going to happen, and where failure is always an option, a single-die is a good choice.

If your goal is to create a system where predictable tasks can be performed predictably, then a single-die is probably going to be too swingy for you (which has led to some of the complaints about D&D's skill system, historically). To emphasize skill and experience over chance, a multi-die system will give you results that are capable of staying random at low modifiers but scale towards determinism at higher modifiers.

Does it matter what kind of multi-die system you use? Yes, but not for this discussion. Successes and sum vs target both follow a bell curve and both fundamentally share the same elements in this regard, but they have different secondary tricks that you can do with them. It's also worth noting that the more dice you're throwing down, the more tightly bound to the bell curve the result will be.

Adding more dice to the pool isn't just a modifier on success; it changes the shape of the curve, which limits the effect of outlying results all on its own. It's a form of bounded accuracy enforced by probability, with the small chance of going way outside the expected results. If you roll 10d6, 68% of the time, it'll be between about 30 and 40. 95% of the time, it'll be between about 25 and 45. 99.7% of the time, it'll be between about 20 and 50. But 0.3% of the time, it'll be lower than 20 or higher than 50.

The mathematics of the dice bound the possible results pretty tightly, but allow for exceptional results in very rare cases. (For reference, the odds of having advantage and rolling a pair of 1's anyway is 0.25%; about the same as the odds of going below 20/over 50 here.) If you roll a d20, on the other hand...68% of the time it'll be between 5 and 15. 100% of the time it'll be between 1 and 20. That's it, that's all the confidence you get.

So what's the summary? Dice and math matter when designing a mechanic, because the players are going to interface with them, and the mechanics of the probability will determine the experience that the players have with the mechanic. If the players expect the mechanic to be predictable, but instead it's swingy, then your mechanic doesn't match the expected use case. Conversely, if the players expect it to be swingy and random, but it's actually very predictable, same problem. Make the mechanic as players experience it match what you want the gameplay experience to be; and picking dice is one way to control that.

Implied Incentives in Design

Today's discussion is about player choices and incentives as they relate to the mechanics that you design. Incentives and the results of choice are an important part of the experience that players will have as they interface with a mechanic.

Imagine you're designing a skill system. You have a variety of possible ways to do this. As always, we start with the goals; use case and intended experience. We'll assume that your game doesn't have a skill system yet and that you do need this mechanic. The use case is that a player wants to do a thing that isn't directly combat-related. The intended experience is that the more resources the player invests into doing this thing, the better they are at it.

There's already a lot going on here, and it ties into the tone and genre expectations of your game. But that's not the topic here so I'll just assert something. I assert, for this example, that characters should be able to range from untrained to highly skilled, and that their chance of success at a given task should increase each time they invest character resources into this skill.

Already we're making incentive choices. The incentive we're giving is that players can improve at their skill by spending resources. But the question becomes, then, how much do they improve? Is it better for them to specialize or spread it out? Will any choice offered to them ever feel like it was a trap?

(Don't do that, btw. Trap options aren't real choices.)

You can adjust these knobs with mechanics changes, and there's a lot of ways to get any given result, and this is (originally posted on) twitter. So instead I'm going to talk about why you might aim for one goal or another, and what that does to the player incentives.

Let's say that you decide that you start with 50% success, and you have four ranks, and each rank gives you +10% success. You can focus them in one skill or spread them across others. This is a fairly balanced option that makes both specializing and focus decent options. What if your success rates by rank 0-4 are, instead, 10%/50%/80%/90%/100%?

You can see a strong incentive here to have at least one rank in anything that you want to get done, and a second rank if you want to get it done reliably. Because of the huge jump between ranks 0 and 1, it's unlikely that anyone would put all four ranks in one skill, so they're rewarded with 100% success rate if they do. There's incentives for both.

But what if it was 10%/50%/80%/90%/91%? I don't think you'd see a lot of rank 4's in there. That extra 1% is not a strong incentive and would not feel rewarding, especially not when they could be putting that to make something else from rank 0 to 1 and getting a 40% boost. By considering the incentives that your mechanics offer to players, you can analyze the experience that they'll receive when making these decisions, which in turn will affect their satisfaction with the mechanical interface of your game.

I've only been talking about character building here, but the same principle can be applied to actions in-game. Some games have a stunting mechanic, where if you take a recklessly awesome action, you get a bonus to your resolution. This is an incentive. Recklessly awesome actions are often unlikely to succeed and very dangerous to the player; so they're fairly uncommon. If you want to make them more common for genre or gameplay experience reasons, you can provide players with an incentive to take these actions, and that's what stunting does. (Of course, this can also generate undesired results, like players competing to take the most over-the-top action, but that's a separate topic.)

Another example of an incentive in gameplay is the oldschool XP for GP rule. You gain one XP per GP value of treasure that you safely return to town with. XP for GP reduces the value of combat, because combat is dangerous and grabbing unguarded loot isn't. It leans players towards wanting to play carefully, because they need to return safely, and to find ways to get loot without combat. If that's something you want for genre or gameplay reasons, that's something that XP for GP can do.

Incentives can be a very strong design tool for gently leaning players towards the expected experience. Don't go too heavy with them, though, because an incentive that's too heavy isn't an incentive anymore; it's a balance problem. But whether or not you use them intentionally, they'll always exist in your design. Thinking about your mechanics in terms of incentives is a useful way to help predict what kind of gameplay experience a player will have, and to figure out whether or not that matches your intent.

Mechanical Variance

Today, I'm talking about the value of variability in mechanics, and why you might want a mechanic to be highly variable; or, perhaps more accurately, why you want to avoid an entire character being low-variance.

High-variance and low-variance characters have existed in a variety of ways in different RPGs. I'm going to draw my examples in this thread mostly from D&D 5E, because lots of people are familiar with it and it can handle it if I say anything that could be considered negative. One of the most traditional examples of variance differences is the fighter versus the wizard.

A fighter, in the majority of combat situations, will find themselves taking the Attack action. Because of the way 5E balances attack bonuses vs AC, using HP as a primary defensive stat, you can have a pretty good amount of confidence in what the attack will do. It will very likely do damage within the expected bounds.

A wizard, in most combat sitautions, will cast a spell. What will the spell do? That depends on the spell, the targets, any required saving throws, the terrain, and so on. It's almost impossible to predict the actual result on the battlefield just by knowing that a spell will be cast; whereas the fighter's attack is very predictable.

So we can see that the wizard has much higher variance in combat than the fighter. There are other ways to increase variance too. A fighter using Sharpshooter or Great Weapon Mastery will have a higher variance than one who isn't; with the attack penalty and damage boost, they can get huge swingy differences outside of their average result. So we know that there's ways to get lots of variance in combat. What does this tell us about the value of it, though?

If we look at the most common complaints about the fighter, it tells us that variance is fun. Variance feels like power. The most common complaints about the fighter are that it's boring or underpowered. The fighter isn't underpowered. It's a very strong class. But it doesn't always get those same kind of high-variance spikes that we can see from other classes, which can make it feel less powerful.

Imagine a class that had one attack, always hit, and always dealt 5 damage (at first level). This would be a very strong class! But would it feel strong, next to a character who might occasionally spike something much more effective than it?

Introducing high and low points into a class experience, rather than keeping them as a smooth average, allows for players to feel good about the awesome thing they just did. Assuming the amount of low points are kept in check (missing all the time isn't fun, but the attack roll itself wouldn't be fun if you could never miss), and the high points need to be kept appropriately rare as well - it's not as awesome if it's just something that you can do all the time, variance introduces a feeling of power and fun that can be lacking when things are too predictable.

This is all, of course, in addition to the fact that variance introduces tension and excitement to dice rolls (if there's no risk of a meaningful failure, why are you rolling?), but that's generally better-understood intuitively and I rambled on long enough for today. Agency is also a different topic; variance can be controlled or uncontrolled, and that's about agency, not the variance itself.

System is Setting

This time, an opinion that not everyone might agree with. But I think it makes better games. System is setting.

What does 'system is setting' mean? All mechanics contribute to the experience of gameplay. A setting is implied by the system, and if the implied setting does not match the narrative setting, you end up with a disjointed experience. You can't play LoTR in 5E any more than you could play WoW in 1E. (Side note: You can play LoTR in 5E with Adventures in Middle-Earth, if you have a copy. But AiME makes significant systemic changes to make this possible. Which goes to my point; system is setting, and in order to make the setting work with LoTR, it was necessary to adapt the system.)

While I'm talking about this, this is something that @\cavegirl knows very well and talked about while designing Dungeon Bitches. It's on DTRPG now and you can go check it out. She designed mechanics of the game not just to create the desired gameplay experience, but to reinforce the themes and tell a story about the world at the same time.

So back to system is setting. All systems create an implied setting with what they put in the book, even if they don't have a specific setting. Some of this is place names and monsters and so on, some of it is mechanics. This was commonly seen in 3E, where people would use the demographics and magic shop tables from the DMG to create the setting of their world.

Another common example is when people try to play Star Wars in whatever system they like, often 5E currently, and it doesn't work at first. You can't just add mechanics and make the system Star Wars; you need to remove mechanics too. For Jedi to make sense and tell the same stories that they tell in SW, you can't just have space monks with laser swords. You need traditional spellcasting to not exist, you need armor and weapons to work differently, and you need the Dark Side to be a thing.

This is in part why generic systems almost always lead to kitchen-sink fantasy worlds. Again, something that we saw a lot of in 3E. As book after book was released and more and more options crowded their way into the world, whatever setting you started with became less distinct over time as it just continued to be the same kitchen sink as every other setting that had all these same elements in it.

5E was originally designed as a modular generic core where you'd add only what you needed for a given campaign, and you can still see an echo of this in the DMG in the section where it just has ~100 pages of optional rules. That would be a very flexible system, where you could just have your core resolution mechanics as reliable and then add in what you needed bit by bit.

But even then, something as generic as a core resolution mechanic of roll d20 + mods vs DC still implies things about the setting. It doesn't work for professionals doing professional tasks; a character with +5 vs a DC 10 (Routine) task has a 25% chance of failure! But a roofer, even a 1st level one, does not have a 25% failure rate per roof or per shingle. The d20 is designed to create that failure chance to generate interesting gameplay in the aspects that D&D focuses on, high-tension moments, and is not well-suited for reliable tasks in low-tension moments.

So we can see that even a mechanic as simple and generic as the d20 + mods vs TN still contributes to the implied setting and expectations of what the characters will be doing. Any mechanic that is generic enough to work for every possible setting is too generic to be interesting. Similarly, we can see the same kind of thing in a healing system; imagine a system where all characters are healed to full after every encounter, all resources recovered, everything is perfect. It would be impossible in this system to tell the story of a group of rag-tag adventurers getting beaten down over time but refusing to give in, because they're always at full resources!

The system influences and guides the kind of stories that the gameplay can tell. This is part of why I feel it is so important, when creating a system and making mechanical design choices, that you consider these questions. What kind of setting is implied by this mechanic? What kind of stories does this mechanic enable? What kind of stories does this mechanic make more difficult or impossible?

System is setting, and it's important and valuable to ensure that your system supports and enables the kind of stories that are core to your setting.

Monday, September 2, 2024

In Defense of Subsystems

 Many RPGs these days use a universal resolution system that covers all parts of the game.  This was popularized with D&D 3rd edition and the "d20 System", the idea that no matter what you're doing in-game, you roll a d20, add modifiers, compare to a target number, and you succeed if you beat the number.  I'm going to explain why this is bad (or, at least, shouldn't be used for every situation in every game).

This is distinguished from older games where you would have different rules to resolve the situation depending on what you were doing.  Using AD&D 2E as an example (because it had a ton of these), you might make a Strength check by rolling 1d20 to roll under your Strength score.  But if you were trying to perform a major feat of strength, you would instead of a percentage chance to Bend Bars/Lift Gates (the exact percent is determined by your Strength score).  Or if you were trying to kick open a door, you'd roll your Open Doors score instead, with a different distinct target number if the door was magically sealed.  Obviously, there's a lot going on here, and maybe we don't need three or four different subsystems just for doing strong things.  But that doesn't mean that we shouldn't have subsystems at all.

The point of subsystems is to allow your gameplay to feel different when your character is doing different things or going through different experiences.  It creates tactile feedback for the player that mirrors the kind of feedback the character would have.  The value added is that feedback, the experience actually being different and not being the same gameplay with a new coat of paint.

Does it add friction?  Yes, of course it does.  Every mechanic adds friction in resolution.  Sometimes that's the point of a mechanic - go read jay dragon's post about how rules are a cage.  I don't necessarily agree that that's the point of every rule, but absolutely it is the point of some rules.  Sometimes the point of a rule is to restrict the player, to add friction, to make it so that your whim as a player is not the only thing that affects the character and the shared imagined world.

The resolution of every rule creates an experience and, when done right, will reflect the experience of the character.  This feedback helps ground the player in the game and should make it both more interesting and more real.  If your experience as a player is identical whether you're in combat or fixing a wagon wheel, then the game is not accurately providing that feedback to you about the experience your character is having.  If resolving the rules to fix a wagon wheel is a meditative experience, while combat is tense and frenetic, then we've got something much more interesting here than a smoothed-out universal resolution system that relies on the player to provide anything of value.

So to go back to our feats of strength, maybe you just use a normal roll for normal things.  If you want to do something that would break a record, you'll need to do something more difficult.  The friction involved in resolving the more difficult task - the pushback that the rules give you, when you try to resolve the action - that mirrors the pushback that the world gives the character when the character tries to take the action.  In this way the rules serve to reinforce the roleplaying loop, by giving the player an experience that's analogous to the experience the character feels.

And certainly we don't want it to be exactly the same thing the character feels in a lot of situations (no one needs to get stabbed just because your character did), but if you feel something mildly unpleasant because your character is in an extremely unpleasant situation, that's working as intended.  If resolving the rules to determine whether or not your party member dies after their severe injuries causes you to feel stress and tension, that's a good thing.  

And if a negotiation with the king feels exactly like a relaxing day fishing which feels exactly like combat?  Something is being lost, there, and subsystems are how we get it back.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Solo Boss Encounters in D&D-Like TTRPGs

 Solo boss encounters are a common thing that people want to do in D&D-likes, but the way the system is set up, they don't really work unless you mess with it.

This post is a description of how I mess with it to make them work better.  It might not work at all for you or maybe it will be the most brilliant thing you've ever heard of.  These ideas aren't new but also it's the result of mashing together decades of blogs and different RPGs and trying things out so I don't remember what the sources are.

So:  Solo boss encounters.  We're defining this to mean a challenging, interesting battle against a single combatant.  There's lots of other ways to make a 'boss' encounter but I'm not talking about those here.  The most common thing people try to make this work is to just use a higher level monster; this has various issues depending on system, but most often, makes for a frustrating experience because its AC is too high, its saves are too good, its damage is too high, or more than one of these things.  Then the action economy doesn't let it actually do enough things to feel like an active fight, because these games aren't designed for a 1vX fight, they're designed for lots of things to be on the field on both sides, so it just stands there getting missed/making saves and then one-shotting people.  Tonberry is a boss fight, all right, but it's not really the one that people are looking for most of the time.

The trick I use is basically, just duct tape a bunch of monsters together and make it a single monster, then invert the action economy.

Duct taping them together is relatively understandable; just mash them all up as if the party was facing multiple monsters.  Inverting the action economy only takes a tiny bit more explanation.  If the party was actually facing multiple monsters (let's say five ogres), then the enemy team would start out with five actions per round and go down to one action per round as the party dealt damage.  This leads to a cleanup phase and an anti-climactic finish.  Inverting the action economy means that the solo monster starts with one action per round, and as it takes damage, this increases until it's up to five actions per round.

For crowd control effects, obviously those have impacts on the action economy, and the answer like most answer is based on thinking 'what if it was five separate monsters'.  For each unique CC effect that would prevent them from taking actions, they lose one turn.  If they're paralyzed, they lose one of their turns each round; a second paralysis effect does nothing.  If they're paralyzed and stunned, they lose two turns each round, but another paralysis or stun wouldn't make it any worse.  This makes AoE CC less valuable against the duct taped version than it would be against the individual monsters, but because this lines up with the desired villain fantasy, that's all right, and it allows for CC to be useful against the boss encounter without ruining it.

You could probably figure out how I'd do this from what's written here already, but let's make an example monster instead.  I'll use the Ogre (CR2) from D&D 5E as an example here because basically everyone knows how to read 5E statblocks and Ogre is an SRD monster.  I'll start by going through each stat and describing what the effect of duct taping a bunch of them together (five, specifically, in this case) has on that stat.

Armor Class:  Unchanged.  Five ogres each have the same AC as one ogre.
Hit Points:  Multiply by five; five ogres have five times as many hit points as one ogre.
Speed: Unchanged.  Five ogres can move more often than one ogre, but not further, so speed changes are covered by action economy changes instead of altering the speed.
Ability Scores: Unchanged.
Senses, Languages, CR: Unchanged.  However, for CR, of course when encounter building you should consider this to be a number of creatures equal to the number you duct taped together; five ogres is five CR 2 creatures.  This means that the XP value listed in the statblock should be multiplied.
Actions:  Unchanged.  Just like speed, five ogres can attack more often than one ogre, but they don't do any more damage.

And then the only change needed outside the statblock is initiative/action economy.  Check the number of hit points a single creature of this type has.  Each time the monster loses that many hit points, it gets to take another turn in the round.  One ogre has 59 hit points, so each time five ogres duct taped together loses 59 of its hit points, it gets to take another turn each round.  (The five combined have 295 hit points, which sounds like a lot but is exactly as many hit points as you'd have to chew through to kill five ogres.)  You can roll initiative for it multiple times if you want, but usually it's easier to assign fixed numbers that each turn occurs on; you can either count down or count up.  Ogres are slow, so we'll have this one count up; they take their first turn on initiative 5, second on 10, third on 15, fourth on 20, and fifth on 25.  It'll start out slow as the party expects, and then become blindingly fast and dangerous at the end.

Depending on the party and the monster, you might find that damage values are scaling fast enough that your monster isn't getting to access all of its turns because it's being blasted through HP lines.  If this is happening, optionally, you can give them a bonus immediate turn right when the line gets passed.  This is also a great time to do any sort of phase transition you might want to do; maybe the ogre lights its club on fire and the damage becomes fire when it gets up to taking three turns per round.

And that's all there is to it.  Here's the statblock.

Five Ogres Duct Taped Together
Large giant, chaotic evil
Armor Class 11 (hide armor)
Hit Points 295 (35d10 + 105)
Speed 40 ft

Initiative:  Five Ogres Duct Taped Together don't roll initiative; instead, they act at initiative 5.  Each time FODTT loses 59 hit points, they can take one more turn each round, at an initiative count 5 higher than their highest current value (5, 10, 15, etc, up to 25 when they are down to 59 hit points or less).  (If you rolled hit points for FODTT, this occurs each time they lose 1/5 of their maximum hit points.)

Str 19 (+4), Dex 8 (-1), Con 16 (+3), Int 5 (-3), Wis 7 (-2), Cha 7 (-2)

Senses Darkvision 60 ft, passive Perception 8
Challenge 2 (2,250 XP)

Greatclub.  Melee Weapon Attack:  +6 to hit, reach 5 ft, one target.  Hit:  2d8+4 bludgeoning damage.

  • Javelin (Melee). Melee Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
  • Javelin (Ranged). Ranged Weapon Attack: +6 to hit, reach 30/120 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.