Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Random Historical Events

 ...or at least their names.

I had an idea for a useful table that would actually fit in a blog post and said to myself all right, let's do it.  This is a system/table for generating the name of a random historical or important event.  It may be something that you use as part of hyperdiegetic information, or something that you use as part of more traditional worldbuilding, or maybe just something you needed a character to say and will never think about again.

To generate a historic name, first roll 1d6 to find the shape of the name, then roll 1d20 on each column that it directs you to.  Feel free to add or remove any pluralization as needed to make it sound cooler to you.  The intermittent words may also be edited as needed, though ideally in most cases they won't need to be (easiest is to swap articles, such as a/the).

Roll (1d12)	Event Name 1	The [Time] of the [Adjective] [Noun] 2	The [Noun] 3	The [Time] Without [Noun] 4	The [Time] of [Noun] 5	The [Adjective] [Time] [Noun] 6	The [Noun] of the [Adjective] [Time] 7	The [Noun] of [Noun] 8	The [Noun] [Time] 9	The [Noun] [Noun] 10	The [Adjective] [Noun] 11	The [Adjective] [Time] 12	The [Adjective] [Time] through [Noun]

Roll (1d20)	Time	Adjective	Noun 1	Day	Cloudy	War 2	Night	Thousand	Revolution 3	Hour	Deadly	Scream 4	Week	Flaming	Monster 5	Month	Hundred	Dragon 6	Year	Fanatical	Wrath 7	Century	Mysterious	Tempest 8	Time	Ubiquitous	Sunrise 9	Term	Jagged	Nightfall 10	Period	Venemous	Eruption 11	Moment	Questionable	Catastrophe 12	Season	Incandescent	Severing 13	Before	Global	Surge 14	After	Endless	Disaster 15	Summer	Lean	Incident 16	Span	Secret	Prophecy 17	Flowering	Ethereal	Irregularity 18	Harvest	Needless	Death 19	Eternity	Chromatic	Resurrection 20	Roll twice*	Roll twice*	Roll twice* 	*(when rolling twice, replace a different word in the name with your second roll)

Some example historical events created with these tables:

The Secret Year
The Irregularity Century
The Season of Resurrection
The Eruption
The Flaming Eternity Disaster (maybe adjust that to Flaming Eternal Disaster in this case).